Post by Elton on Sept 21, 2008 9:13:35 GMT -5
Well first thing you must know that 1 pixel adds almost 8 digits or something like that.Besides that this will help some peaple already looking into this matter.
Get Set Code Facts
-The code does not record the the NUMBER of dots on the screen. -The game itself records the dot Count. -But the dot limit sizes are recordable by code. -The first letters such as 00300000 or something is what controlls the menu options. -You cannot alter the dot limit with the code. -The game itself along with its java coding is what limits outer elements such as dot limit. -Yet alot of peaple explain 3 players is simply cheat engine.It is still possible to do with the get and set code.
Myths about the code.
-Unlimited dots (Listo and other dan ball staff only have to raise the ORIGANAL dot varibles.Which he wont do because it slows down your comp. -Other Elements exc.
Some other peaple predict you can do ANYTHING with the cheat engine on PG.FALSE.Java is a hard thing to hack.All options are limited.Yet all staff options are still avalible as long as you try to hack it for 11 Years.
Anyone that wants to help me find out how to work java on PG plz help.I'm currently on the 3 players stage.Yet the code resembles like im simply placing 2 players instead of three. The first numbers. 00300000 (or something like that)Controlls the limits yet some limits only work in the base game.In which you would have to use cheat engine to Activate on your own computer
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 9:26:40 GMT -5
Should I transfer some of my code research to this thread?
Post by Elton on Sept 21, 2008 9:38:52 GMT -5
If you wish to help. That would be greatly apreeciatted (Sorry for spelling). I've found alot but its totally hard.That 3 player code is far from my grasp but im about half way there id i get a brainstorm or a breakthrough.I might get it very soon.
Post by Exthara on Sept 21, 2008 10:23:21 GMT -5
THE GET SET THING IS JUST SIMPLE ENCRYPTION oops caps lock sry You cant hack with it. sorry. ask listo, he'll say you cant too.
Post by Elton on Sept 21, 2008 11:38:25 GMT -5
Post by Exthara on Sept 21, 2008 11:47:35 GMT -5
Correction, cheat engine doesnt mess with get set.
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 12:03:49 GMT -5
This is so far of my Get/Set research. The following can be found in the thread "NEW HACK": I compared the codes of the following: - blank without border with powder left-selected and wind right-selected and all other defaults
- blank without border with block left-selected and wind right-selected and all other defaults
- blank without border with powder left-selected and wind right-selected and pen-size 1 and all other defaults
- blank without border with block left-selected and wind right-selected and loop turned on and all other defaults
...and found out that the first three codes were exactly the same. I therefore postulate that different selections and pen-sizes do not have any effect on the code. However, loop changes just one single character at the beginning and at the end of the code. Everything else in the code is the same.CONTROL: NO VARIATIONSPerfectly blank with all defaults: 0030000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vfB4 SIDE VARIATIONPerfectly blank with loop on and other defaults unchanged: 0030001000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vmB4 GRID VARIATIONPerfectly blank with Grid 1 and other defaults unchanged: 0030100000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vkB4 Perfectly blank with Grid 2 and other defaults unchanged: 0030200000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vpB4 Perfectly blank with Grid 3 and other defaults unchanged: 0030300000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00veC4 Perfectly blank with Grid 4 and other defaults unchanged: 0030400000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vjC4 Perfectly blank with Grid 5 and other defaults unchanged: 0030500000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00voC4 Perfectly blank with Grid 6 and other defaults unchanged: 0030600000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vdD4 Perfectly blank with Grid 7 and other defaults unchanged: 0030700000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00viD4 BACKGROUND VARIATIONPerfectly blank with BG "non" and other defaults unchanged: 0010000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vpA4 Perfectly blank with BG "air" and other defaults unchanged: 0020000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vcB4 Perfectly blank with BG "blur" and other defaults unchanged: 0040000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00viB4 Perfectly blank with BG "shade" and other defaults unchanged: 0050000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vlB4 Perfectly blank with BG "aura" and other defaults unchanged: 0060000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00voB4 Perfectly blank with BG "light" and other defaults unchanged: 0070000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vbC4 DOT SIZE VARIATIONPerfectly blank with dot size "M" and other defaults unchanged: 0031000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vjB4 Perfectly blank with dot size "L" and other defaults unchanged: 0032000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vnB4 SPEED VARIATIONPerfectly blank with speed 2 and other defaults unchanged: 0030010000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vlB4 Perfectly blank with speed 4 and other defaults unchanged: 0030020000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vbC4 Perfectly blank with speed 8 and other defaults unchanged: 0030030000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vhC4 The codes aren't random. For example, in the first few digits of the first number in the code, one particular digit represents grid style (whose domain is represented by the set {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}), one represents BG style (with the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} and naturally defaulted to 3), one particual digit represents speed (with the set {0,1,2,3}), one other particular digit represents dot size (with the set {0,1,2}), and one particular digit representing side function (with the domain set {0,1}). Are you not analyzing the codes I have gathered for everyone? The last few characters of the code also have a pattern, although not as obvious. The first thirteen characters of the code are 00bdgsl000000 ...when b is a digit that represents BG, d is a digit that represents DOT SIZE, g is a digit that represents GRID, s is a digit that represents SPEED, and l is a digit that represents SIDE OFF/LOOP.
Post by ROBiT on Sept 21, 2008 12:40:11 GMT -5
.. That means that only dots alter the encryption.
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 12:49:24 GMT -5
And loop and grid and speed...
Post by ROBiT on Sept 21, 2008 12:55:06 GMT -5
WAIT!! There were slight variations in the last few letters in EVERY code!!
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 12:56:38 GMT -5
Exactly. I'm glad you also noticed (No, I'm not trying to agree. I actually saw that.).
I'm going to have to combine certain variations of a blank game to see what the "suffix" looks like, however. The pattern there is less obvious than the "prefix."
Post by I wuv M4( Satar Jaèoèdoæ) on Sept 21, 2008 13:14:38 GMT -5
I thought about making this thread... grr...
On that one thread I had the comparision of a empty screen and a screen with a player. Add it here.
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 13:20:23 GMT -5
A perfectly blank screen with all defaults unchanged: 0030000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*0700B*09*0C*0F*0E*0H00D00J*0G00K*0I*0L*0O*0N*0Q00M00S*0P00T*0R*0U*0X*0W*0Z00V00b*0Y00c*0a*0d*0g*0f*0i00e00k*0h00l*0j*0m*0p*0o*0r00n00t*0q00u*0s*0v*0y*0x*0.00w010*0z011*0**12*15*14*17013019*1601A*18*1B*1E*1D*1G01C01I*1F01J*1H*1K*1N*1M*0js00vfB4 A blank screen with a player at the top-left most coordinates of the screen and all other defaults unchanged (although there is no border): 0030000000W00002*00*03*05004*06*0400700A*09*0C*08*0E00B*0F*0D00G00J*0I*0L*0H*0N00K*0O*0M00P00S*0R*0U*0Q*0W00T*0X*0V00Y00b*0a*0d*0Z*0f00c*0g*0e00h00k*0j*0m*0i*0o00l*0p*0n00q00t*0s*0v*0r*0x00u*0y*0w00z010*0**12*0.*14011*15*13016019*18*1B*17*1D01A*1E*1C01F01I*1H*1K*1G*1M01J*1N*1L00kr00voG0 A blank screen with a player at the top-right most coordinates of the screen and all other defaults unchanged (although there is no border): 0030000000000*02000z00u00W01002*01*03*0A*09*0C00800E*0B00F*0D*0G*0J*0I*0L00H00N*0K00O*0M*0P*0S*0R*0U00Q00W*0T00X*0V*0Y*0b*0a*0d00Z00f*0c00g*0e*0h*0k*0j*0m00i00o*0l00p*0n*0q*0t*0s*0v00r00x*0u00y*0w*0z*10*0**1200.014*11015*13*16*19*18*1B01701D*1A01E*1C*1F*1I*1H*1K01G01M*1J01N*1L*1O*1R*1Q*0nubM0 The code has almost completely changed just for a single Player, and there are few resemblances between the last two codes.
Post by I wuv M4( Satar Jaèoèdoæ) on Sept 21, 2008 14:08:51 GMT -5
You made a comparison to?
Post by cuckooman on Sept 21, 2008 15:45:14 GMT -5
I probably shouldn't say this, but anyone can access the code of any upload on PG except for the last three characters.
And they're always in xX# format, meaning lowercase, uppercase, number.
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 15:50:58 GMT -5
You made a comparison to? Yes, I made the comparison in the thread "NEW HACK." I never knew you made a comparison, though. Yours is probably different from mine and therefore ought to be included. I probably shouldn't say this, but anyone can access the code of any upload on PG except for the last three characters. And they're always in xX# format, meaning lowercase, uppercase, number. Which is probably how two of my uploads were exposed. How does one access codes (I take that back: don't answer or else a guest might take advantage of that.) Something I have been curious about is how to find the URL of the PG with an upload already displayed on it. I can't seem to figure that out!
Post by cuckooman on Sept 21, 2008 15:54:59 GMT -5
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 16:31:30 GMT -5
Post by cuckooman on Sept 21, 2008 16:39:03 GMT -5
No problem.
Legendary Member
{S=6}One Fish, Two Fish. Red Fish, Blue Fish.[M:-793]
I never pronounce names wrong. People just want them mispronounced for some reason.
Posts: 815
Post by Buggy793 on Sept 22, 2008 9:44:38 GMT -5
I had noticed what General Veers said before with the dot-s, BG, and Grid, Speed(The "Options")
BUt this is interesting...