Post by soccerking on Jan 30, 2009 12:24:41 GMT -5
We can't really contain it yet though.
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 30, 2009 16:25:57 GMT -5
which ruins all of our hopes and dreams for it
Post by soccerking on Jan 31, 2009 4:22:02 GMT -5
Yep, but we didn't really ever have any hopes for acid.
Post by Sandmaster on Feb 1, 2009 18:48:39 GMT -5
we did, since it could actually change the outcome of a gate
Post by pieman778 on Feb 8, 2009 3:36:41 GMT -5
wow, much too hard for me....
lol, u guys are addicts
Post by soccerking on Feb 8, 2009 4:44:35 GMT -5
Change the outcome of a gate? Explain please.
Post by Sandmaster on Feb 9, 2009 20:18:45 GMT -5
We have free time
Post by soccerking on Feb 10, 2009 1:40:06 GMT -5
What did you mean by acid can change the outcome of a gate?
Post by miczu on Feb 20, 2009 5:32:40 GMT -5
Don't know where to put it... It have some laser so it should be ok, but it's more for thunder technology xD
Thunder with speed ~90% laser Blocking thunder in high speed line with single laser
Post by Sandmaster on Feb 21, 2009 14:23:24 GMT -5
We can measure laser vs. thunder speed using a thunder line.
Post by miczu on Feb 22, 2009 10:39:41 GMT -5
SandMaster did you look at it? Or you just write "first thing that in mind" after reading a post?
Sorry to tell you that, but sometimes your post are spamlike...
Post by Sandmaster on Feb 22, 2009 16:20:51 GMT -5
1: I can't look at it if I have no ability to reach the Powder Game 2: I assume what I said was correct since your post seems like I don't bother looking at it.
Post by miczu on Feb 22, 2009 16:41:20 GMT -5
1. Since This thread I don't believe you xD 2. You ware waaaaay off
Post by miczu on Mar 28, 2009 4:56:44 GMT -5
I have made slowest laser tubel (laser move slower then 2 dot whide laser tube), don't know if there will be any use for it, but here you go:
Post by microfarad on Aug 8, 2009 1:39:08 GMT -5
Hi, I just created my account, In powder game my name is Micro-Farad. You can look at my 2 uploads so far (if you want). I am very interested in laser gates and I have created (but not uploaded) a great many things. I originally discovered the tube by accident, and believe it or not I called it a tube myself. I uploaded a couple things, and next I know I am invited here. I believe that Laser Logic (as I call it) must be explored disregarding normal Boolean gates. I also love the reliability of tubes. I have created a few things and please ask me to create new bits and pieces, I enjoy a challenge. My goal is to make a simple computer in pg. It would have to have a specialized task. The first real computer made of vacuum tubes calculated whether or not a nuclear weapon was possible. The computer I would make would not likely be a general purpose computer that executed programs (for size reasons). If anyone is interested, I have made a crude flip flop (changes states when a pulse of laser is given). A flip flop would be vital.
Post by spaghetticat on Aug 8, 2009 10:39:45 GMT -5
BG-Track+Laser Tubes=Illusion of impenatrable laser grid. Here's the code for my laser grid:
Post by microfarad on Aug 8, 2009 12:07:25 GMT -5
Hi, I just tried a diagonal tube. (the tube walls are diagonal, the laser that zig zags through the tube enters horizontally or verticaly, the second laser that blocks the first enters in a diagonal direction, going past a wall,touching the wall). The diagonal tube is unreliable however and I wouldn't heavily consider it's use. Attached to this post is a memory cell unlike what you guys have yet considered. it's fairly compact and very reliable. the device is surrounded by torch. To use the latch (memory cell) erase the torch. on it's right side is a metal partition with six holes in it. The holes are labeled with metal. The ones marked PWR should have lasers constantly passing to the left through them. The ones marked IN are inputs, if a laser passes through the upper or lower in then the latch will remember which input a laser last passed through. The holes labeled OUT corrospond tho the holes labeled in, if a laser is pulsed through the upper in then the upper out will constantly be shooting a laser out, lower in, lower out. Just try it. I also figured out how to convert laser signals to thunder and visa versa if anyone is interested. P.S. I don't know much about attaching, I hope you can read the text file with the code, if not I have the code here: 0030000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00004000v00u01u0B*0200Du0F00Cv0E10E00Ku0J*0Hv0Lu0G*0Bv0Q00N10M*0Pu0O*0Su0X00I10V*0Y10b00au0R00e00Uu0fv0T*0W10dv0j*0cu0iu0Zv0m00g*0ku0o10lu0pu0v10u10xu0tu0z00h00**0s010*0n01200r*13*11*17*16*1901501Bv0qv1Du0wu0.*1801Cu1F014v1E10y01Ku1J*1Hv1Lu1G*1Av1Q01N11M*1Pu1O*1Su1X01I11V*1Y11b00gm00p00P0Bp1g000o1gp0BP1j01iP0fu0A10Mm1fP0Bo1n01jP1sP1vp1oq0Jm1ro1l01io1*P1mP1.*0Hu1pu1R01au25v1T.1us00n0fr24000.1u000x00T0Bt2GP1sT1m*0Hn2C.2Ew2G00DP1hT0BT1mT2R02OT2K*0Br1f10M.2Ev2Ov2I01fT2Tp2U01jT2T*0Hq2Xu0B.2Eu2Ox1ip2O*2Lq0J.2Es2Oy2bo2Go0fn2Mo1ir2O.2mT2uq2po1iu2Ow2bp2Uo2TT2Rp0fs2i02Do1it2rP2Q02t02Gp2J00Ct36.2Ey2Oo2Op2sT2V02Aq2.P2WT2HT1mr2y00Cn2vP0Bs3IT3TT2RP3Ao2Up0fw3Fo1iw2Or3IP3XT3300Cw3aP0ST2Ts2tP2Jo2z12Yo1is3HT2To2Oq2b*0Hr3S000s3p03po0Bq1i*3tq3M03vT3DT3Dr3z*2Wq3*s3wT42P2Bq45T4102f000r4304Cq4904BT4700Cr3us4604Br4Dr4JT4Ao3cP4813nP0Bw2aP4Qu2jo3bT0SP4U037P3V000t4P04Iq3*r3rT3yT3yP4Y.2ZT2Tu4Mq3*q30T4h04d14R02c04CT2Tq3d04pu4VP0Bu3U04bP4io1iT1sn4l14RT3O04rs3s*4414qt3cT4g051u4w04s000w4u*3.14qs2Ou3rP4.P2On2AT22*56u5BT2Tx2eo5A04Z00AT3i04CP5Js2A04v01Uu27u1Zv1T*1W11dv5c*1cu5a15eu5bu5j15i15lu5hu5n05Z05p*5du5o*5r05q*5g05u02605wv5f05x*5t*5**5v*6005.*61*64063066v5zv68u5ku5s*65v6915m05yu6A06F16E*62v6Du6B067u6G*6Ju6N*6Cu6P06M16I*6Q16T06Su6Lv6K06Hu6Xu6Rv6Y*6O16Vv6c*6Uu0t*0710416j*6iw0A0mI7 Attachments:
Post by -M4- on Aug 8, 2009 23:02:12 GMT -5
Do you have any uses planned for it?
Post by miczu on Aug 9, 2009 3:30:54 GMT -5
I always supported idea as single laser is a single bit of data and though I made some theoretical tube gates I never tried to make them reliable...
Really looking forward your laser tube technology updates.
As for the code, it's quite interesting, still to big (but I can bet it could be much smaller) and because of that it have quite long switch time. Need for extra constant input is next bad thing. Constant input is sometimes more time bigger then the actual gate powered by it and providing the constant input make it impossible to make small and complex electronic chips with multiple gates, memory elements.
Maybe sooner or later we get crystal element with would make it much more easy for us...
PS. use [ code] for code...
Post by GGoodie on Aug 9, 2009 3:46:26 GMT -5
Miczu, I tried to come up with an element that is beneficial to technology. It is called splitter and has been requested. I would like to know if you think it would be very helpful to technology.