Greater Being
{S=0}so Ive haerd you liek mudkipz[M:-110]
memes ftw, Its over 9000, this is Sparta, RAWR
Posts: 251
Post by tackew on Aug 14, 2009 14:45:54 GMT -5
sure invisible floors are cool to noobs but its not practical in making things
Post by Paradox on Aug 14, 2009 14:52:12 GMT -5
Player courses work well.
Post by zacharyryan on Aug 14, 2009 16:04:12 GMT -5
It isn't actually completely invisible. It's just a tiny bit lighter than the background. An invisible player course wouldn't work.
Post by GGoodie on Aug 14, 2009 16:14:23 GMT -5
sure it would. Its still hard to see.
Post by me2 on Aug 14, 2009 17:06:09 GMT -5
Depending on the shape of the glass, you can even remove the metal circuit after some time. The light circlulates on the glass on its own.
Well I agree, they could have used a dark grey for glass, and by dark grey I do not mean #010101 in contrast to #000000.
Post by TheSeaweedDoctor on Aug 14, 2009 17:27:30 GMT -5
Hey I just figured out that glass is a little bit slippery, similar to ice, but not as slippery.
Post by Paradox on Aug 14, 2009 17:28:45 GMT -5
I guess it was just supposed to be realistic, since the background is black, they made Glass black, so it appears to be transparent.
Post by General Veers on Aug 14, 2009 18:18:51 GMT -5
I just noticed a way to avoid getting killed by lit lamps: 0090000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00000y00x01q0Bu0C100u0By0D10A00Hy01u0Ix0E00L10H00Cx0Ou0Gu0N10Ku0T00R10Vy0M00Xq0Fy0Zy0Jq0b10Qy0d00Pu0Uq0eu0i00h00a00ly0gu0Wy0oy0cx0Sy0r10Y10fx0s10v10uu0ku0px0wu0zy0tq0j00mu0.10y013y1100HC00r0Bw00C0Br00o1B01DC0Bs1Ep00n1Ey1E*1910Qx1Er1Ev1IC0Bo1Es1Eq1F000s1Em1P000v0A10VC0Bq1OC1Co1Eo1Et1T*1Lu0Bx1SC1An1dC1ho1RC0Bm1Wv1Yq0FC1aC1QC0Bp1EC00p1CC1v00AC1xp1uo1so1rp1sp0BC22o1tC1s01Bo1ro22019C25C1D01UC2301yp2401kp1Aq0Zx1HC2002E01vC2Dr1Bp28C2Bp2Jp0Bt2O02M02602Ls1.02Up2Tp2Xp2J019q0SC1r01Tp1k02902Uo2bo2Vo2kC25p2go2l01To2oo1ko1w01Fo25r2qC2Fo2op1Oq2IC25q2jC2wC2Bo1NC1*02pC2mC2sp2r03402Ur2v02fC33o2nC1Gq2dr2Fp2gr1m02iC3GC35038p3D03J039C3Lr2*03Op2bv1Yu1hC28r3Rp2gp3203B038v3XC3QC3002C03ao1u000t1p01803iC3es2ZC3ep2*r25o3Ro3c02ho2br3p03Br0Bv3U00DC2BC1rr1sr3d03gC24p1GC3oC4002hp3YC0Ko2*p2Sq2d03l03Ov4803ap2gs4Fo4IC2Fr4Fr3Rs2bz3yx2bp3Is3uC3Lo3Ir3so1b03Oo4UC25s3ju1eC3CC36C4SC3K04204fo3rC2Br4LC4504GC3xq2z01y04fp37o3Zo4h03P03SC3do3qC4wo4d01Ts4ZC1qo28o2Vr2Tq3n02YC4302Mo28p3Np2Jo3WC41p2R02Uq53o2gm4OC2so52C1zC2Ds2VC45p2SC5J054p4402Vp5904J02UC4w000z1v10Kr3tt0Zn1Tw1X10Kn29q1tt5ao1Ew5cq12y0q10xq5jx0*01615l00nx5ny5ku1015pu14q5m115y5s05ou5tu5.05z060y5yy62x5rx6415xx65q5wq6805q16616Bq69u5v00lq0AW0B03it0Oy1UW6Hx1g061x6706Aq6Dy17u6Eu6Sy6Ry6U15uy6Vu5*y6316C06P06bu6T16W16eu6Yx6Ou6du6g16au6i06N16ky6X06mq6Q16f06p06cy6oy6Zq6qu6jq6w06su6ly6v06t16ry6*u6.x6hy6ux74171x76u6x070u79u7316n17717Du7By7517F05zc0ac0hc04c1Xu0Mc7Mv0H10Hc7Pu7O*02c7N17R*7Uv7Qu00c7S17W*7Zv7Yc7au7Z*7Xu7T*7cu7hc7Vu7f*7i17bc7kc7ec7p*7g17nv7d*7ru7lc7o*7uc7q*7mu7vv7t*7zc7yc7w*80*7x*84*83*86c82c88v7*c89u2Ix00T1xw0Wx0DT00S8D000w8Fx8Dp1Ay0Z*0207k00408P*8Ov7Y08Qv8T*8Su8N*3xu8X08R*8Y10Q*8W18c*8bu0B*8du8g*8f08Uu8Zv8Tr1Bt28m1Wn1Tq1Tr1Vp4rC2Sn1KC1Gt1Eu1Ww1Kn0Zu1i01Dp1So3Zm4to1en8v01Ut8xn5hC8gn8.C2eC2Bq2Ts2gC9CC9Fp2FC9Fo57C1xq5Io2Kp2Xo5I02Mp9Ho33p2Xt53C9I01ip2Po2Kt53p9L01Fp2P09a05Uo2Ks2Xq9Zq5Ip2Kq9To4KC5OC2103lp3eC9mq9ZC9J04oC9G05U09cw9A01yo5Vp8to5Vo4Jo9.C31C4ko58C4b08rC4doA4o2or2*oA0o5HCA103ar4sp3No4qC30o9yC1woAI038o4X04u02t02bqA90ADC3eo2xC4yo5L05DCACoAQo3T10Qu8*p4j04fv5Tp5Ts3Zp5Tr3Io4PC3LvAeCAB0ANrAEC2uC3Lp5TvAMr4MC1AC3LC3xCAqCAw03MC2Fs5TC4c04pC2Fv9wq3vrAfC49CA2C1909P03Pr4yr2JqAx03as1Bq4yp8t03Jr1wr4wrAp04l04lp5Qp1krApr55q5IqAv02Cq35r44qAIr24q4yCB0o1BrBV05cu1q04op2gvAhCB703Ow3HCBOCBLo3spAcpAl03tC3evAiC5Qr4Fp4FsAgC4YC2swBs0ANCBaCB2CASCA.CBiCB*03fp1EzB3C4kr5To3DoAUCACpC9CBGCBmCA4pAYCABoCBoAmpBoCAKoAFC4eo3srAMoBpo4ho2.C5QoAT093CAXCCOCA7C2QCBl0B102UvC705P03foAjo270BuC3.0B9q9gC5Op37q5SCBDo9SCCkoCh032o9rp2Tt9YC9KCCao28qCx0B9sAjpCiq9h02LqAVo8*tD5C9XCCsCCTpCiC24o9rsD10AWpA.10Qm3km8JC8gp1Ro0Zm3k*1XCDKC2So8luDR18e08a0DUv8V*8j*8h05e01FtBRCB8p8xCB8x2kpC6C0Fq5RC25t1Wx1PpDQC5Vu8*qAjt22s1ss1to0ZqDoCB0p8*oDd04ov1SpDg03iqBHt8yn2gw38u2bC9o02hq4a03toDtC2eq8*r2gq2guAbC1xo2To9T09cr4A05402Cp9mo9Tq4*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*pCwC5OrAVp5CtD705605Cq9DC35pHPqHc0FUCCkp4TCBLp1isBLs53rGQ019r1Jo1ds1dwDtrC6o1E.DZp8J1DTvDW0DVuDSu8i0I410Q.38z1Tv2gzBHm1Ws1Ex3Zv1Wo94C2.p3Im1W.3Zs1Pq1stGpC1U0Da01U1I8oIBo4VoD.r5hnIEC2ewIGC8uCIIC5QmIKC9F019nGuC9rr8*vHKCEa09d0AOqHcp9mC2DqEHq9fC9lo5N0B9o2TCIpCHdCHW0Alo28xFqpHPCG*pEWqIn09cCIwpEoqGLpJ0o33s2aC55pJA02UwGKC55oEgqIg04R0Dy1GtCB7oCZ04tpCA0E*o51CCX0Ex04zCCJ0JPCGjCCGCAA03z08qCJL0FfCJRpGb0F0CA6029oGFCA1oApoFnpH8C25xJE0Ek0EKq4VrJorIi1JK0Ft0BMoJIpGZCFh0ANo2bsGxpBzrJy0G.02UxERCBipBHpE.oHBsHD0GyCC4sA*00CCJlC2A03hsHLC2ep1ks2svIjpCY0HnrC4o3voHI0B.pBK0E*pFPoBHoCQC2FxAVqG6CB8oJIoB4CEwpBP0JT0Hn0KB0GB03Bq4dp0ICGo03OC9bwDurHEC3x1AaCFXpBgCKeCFisFdCGE0CgCBirK2pFCxEgsGzrArCKw0KgsKApCj0KjoHBoIX09uoFb0K504oqEE0Ja02hvEqpFVC5BCF.03OsKy0K.0K3pJOoKWCCZoJYxEv0J.CACrFBCL5oAt0KhpL8r3AoH9C5Vx1ioBDp3IqLGr3hqIF1FOCIkpEgpJ3pHeCJBCCbpC*s5CpLq0HhCCF0Lw0LyoCp01Tu8tpJ802CoCvC1xtHU0DEpLiCLnC4erJCpHgpF203krHiC2FtKI0Fo0FQ0LF10Qw3koJDy0ZwMLp5hyI508k1I2uMQ*DY*MU*DX*MW0I7uI6vI3vMauMT*MXvMb1MS1MfuMZuMc0MY0MRuMh1Mg0Mk0Mn*MV0Mj*MpvMeuMluMt0Mo*MduMiv7Q*071041M.*Mzw0A0hK4 prendra.googlepages.com/spaceremover
Post by -M4- on Aug 14, 2009 19:16:42 GMT -5
Everything's cool except:
1) It not having the ability to release electricity contained in it. 2) It being totally invisible making it harder to work with.(Maybe just a light light light blue tint just so we can see?)
Greater Being
{S=0}so Ive haerd you liek mudkipz[M:-110]
memes ftw, Its over 9000, this is Sparta, RAWR
Posts: 251
Post by tackew on Aug 14, 2009 20:06:27 GMT -5
omg I made something the noobs will love invisible superball wave lol btw, why do the little players on the poster's information have bomb if your a member (like me)?
Post by zacharyryan on Aug 14, 2009 20:44:32 GMT -5
Yes, I would have liked for it to be at least a little more visible.
Post by artanis on Aug 15, 2009 4:12:04 GMT -5
Visibility is my biggest complaint.
Not letting metal pull thunder back out is the other.
Post by me2 on Aug 15, 2009 6:54:24 GMT -5
I found out, that both laser and thunder can stay continuosly in the glass at a certain position.
Ususally if you fire thunder or laser into the glass you have a small gap after some pixels where the glass is unlit. So if you place magma on top of the glass it will slowly melt through. But I found out that you can generate for both laser and thunder a situation where parts of the glass are always covered.
For the laser I created a long line and fired a pen size 9 laser into it. The laser formed small moving segments in the glass with gaps between them. But just before it reached a block wall it went slower at a certain spot, and the segments melted together. For about the length of 5 blocks a part of the glass was always lit by the laser which allowed to safely place magma on it.
I actuall don't know how i did it for the thunder but I managed to get a glass shape which was nearly always on except for some flickering, and which didn't need thunder in metal anymore to be on. Then I realized that some parts of the glass do not flicker.
I realized that the direction matters in which the glass is drawn. If I paint lines away from the glass shape, than lines to the bottom left, bottom right, or top right are flickering and lines to the left, top left and top have small gap waves which move slowly. However if I draw the lines from somewhere towards my glass shape I get slow moving gaps for lines from the bottom left, bottom right or top right, and the lines from the left, top left and top are constantly on. And no magma can damage those glass lines.
PS: I found out one way to create these always-on glass shapes:
1. Draw a metal line somewhere at the right part of the screen. 2. Draw a thicker glass shape from the left to the right (important: do not draw from right to left!), until it touches the end of the metal line. 3. Place a few thunder dots on the metal. (Note: Do not use clone or build a cuircuit.) 4. A wave of thunder should now slowly run through the glass towards the left. On the half way stop the game! 5. Now extend the glass shape by drawing a second line from left to right, right below the existing glass shape. It should touch the existing glass on the full length and start at the unlighted glass in front of the thunder at the left and end behind it at the right. 6. Start the game again. Now the thunder should go back through the new glass part and constantly light every part of the glass shape with some flickering. Forever. And no more thunder on metal is needed. 7. Start to experiment with it by drawing lines towards the glass and away from it (which makes a difference) and into different directions. You'll notice some parts do not flicker and are always lighted. Those are completely magma-safe while the flickering parts are not.
Post by ~Memzak~ on Aug 15, 2009 7:15:50 GMT -5
I like glass for no other reason than it slows down laser and stops thunder.... so in a sense it is a real fiber optic line/wire
also it wasn't crystal it was glass... so why does this thread say crystal?
Post by me2 on Aug 15, 2009 7:29:29 GMT -5
also it wasn't crystal it was glass... so why does this thread say crystal? Because GGoodie wanted to make a strange joke. And still neither he nor anybody of the staff has fixed it yet. /me
Post by GGoodie on Aug 15, 2009 10:30:29 GMT -5
oh yea, it only works if you haven't used glass, and read the first post. I wanted people to be like, oh...its...glass... but it actually turned out to be pretty cool.
Post by General Veers on Aug 15, 2009 11:28:27 GMT -5
Here I have a demonstration that lit GLASS is more durable than unlit GLASS. In the code I have two lines of GLASS: only one of them is hooked up to a circuit. The other one has to remain unlit. If you want, you can erase the torch - I only have that there for others to find the ends of the GLASS line without using the toon background. Try pouring GUNPOWDER or NITRO on top of the lit lamp, or even C4 and THUNDER. After that, try doing the same to the unlit GLASS if it still remains.
My point is that the lit GLASS should be invulnerable to explosions while unlit GLASS should be very vulnerable.
In spite of the demonstrated invulnerability above, even with such "sure-fire" things as THUNDER, it seems that putting a thin GLASS tube in tight spaces with explosives will shatter the GLASS at least partly, if not fully. In this next code, flood the BLOCK chamber with NITRO first, and secondly put THUNDER inside the METAL box.
Post by Qwerty on Aug 15, 2009 15:12:49 GMT -5
You know, you can always use grid 7 to see glass. Finally, a use for grid!
Post by I wuv M4( Satar Jaèoèdoæ) on Aug 15, 2009 15:42:39 GMT -5
The easiest way to see glass: Make a small hollow box made of block. Put pen-9 air in the box until the screen is blue.
Post by whoknows on Aug 15, 2009 20:08:33 GMT -5
Another way to see it is to put BG- track and put some element in a line at the top and let it fall to make the background a color...The glass will show up