Post by I wuv M4( Satar Jaèoèdoæ) on Jan 8, 2009 20:50:17 GMT -5
to m4: is the eletric guide almost done?
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 8, 2009 21:35:17 GMT -5
It's probably pretty big
Post by FoxtrotZero on Jan 9, 2009 2:28:07 GMT -5
We should compile a whole tutorial about gates and logic technology. Maybe we can start this weekend?
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 10, 2009 0:57:21 GMT -5
I can't
Post by FlamingAero on Jan 10, 2009 1:00:07 GMT -5
Im really interested in gates and stuff id like to learn more
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 10, 2009 1:11:41 GMT -5
So will I, but i work it out
Post by FoxtrotZero on Jan 10, 2009 1:24:51 GMT -5
I already know alot, because alot of logic gate technology wasn't around when i joined. There wasn't even torch when i joined, and i joined the ODBF just after Thunder was introduced. So when i got here, it was pretty much Ands and Ors. Before that, it was C4 wiring (which i abbreviate FireWire, being wires where the signal was fire activated). FireWire was pioneered rather well by Buggy in his machines, where he utalised TimeWire, basically wire systems that place buttons and have time-delay sequences to make the proper input in the proper locations in the proper order or in the right time range.
So i know alot about it, though i am not a master. MT practically lead the evolution of Logic Gate Systems. I know alot, but do little, i suppose. I think i am going to go make a element pouring device...
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 10, 2009 14:38:34 GMT -5
Post by miczu on Jan 10, 2009 16:16:41 GMT -5
YES! I finally made semi beam multiplication device :> (you give single beam in and you get multiple out - pure metal). I call it resonate tube 0032000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00004000v00u01u0B*0200Du0F00Cv0E10E00Ku0J*0Hv0Lu0G*0Bv0Q00N10M*0Pu0O*0Su0X00I10V*0Y10b00au0R00e00Uu0fv0T*0W10dv0j*0cu0iu0Zv0m00g*0ku0o10lu0pu0v10u10xu0tu0z00h00**0s010*0n01200r*13*11*17*16*1901501Bv0qv1Du0wu0.*1801Cu1F014v1E10y01Ku1J*1Hv1Lu1G*1Av1Q01N11M*1Pu1O*1Su1X01I11V*1Y11b01au1R01e01Uu1fv1T*1W11dv1j*1cu1iu1Zv1m01g*1ku1o11lu1pu1v11u11xu1tu1z01h01**1s020*1n00Cr00T00s0Bs25000t2910dr28x28t2Au0fr28s25s0Bt2E024T0Bx2Dt0Zr2H026T2It2NT2LT2Q12BT27T26029t2R000x2M12Us2V02X12U02ZT2Tu2FT2Vs2g02K02f02du2hs2ct2J*0Hr2CT2j*2qT2i02m02kx2au2n02P02v*2t02lt2p*0Br2GT2Wt31000r2r02.*32T2Ws2x02wT2s*3902Ps3D036T2S03803Hs2ot2Yx3B*2*s2Ot35r37t3QT3AT3Gr3Rt2Ys3Pt3MT3UT3T03Jr3V12es3X12ex3N*39s3L13fT3Z03F03bT3It3Ss3iu2h030t3WT34t3Y03ms3p03C03m03lt3S03r12b02zt3.x3g03H03zt3ut3o041t46t3ss3kx43r2Os4CT3nt4A03yx4Es3w*2*x4E04513j03v04814Nt3.s3eu3qx3Bu02T3Ts3wu4V02lx4U*33s2ut2Ju4Yx3cu0Bu4Vs2us4aT3Ix4j03ls4S00E*37x4js4iT2ju4eT4F10Mu4Ys4DT3t14v*4pT4s*4xs4X*4.02vu4wT4W053*52t4d*5004Pu4g*57t0Ju54s4ct5D*5C14zT55s4lx4f04oT4rs4*T4kT5Os4r056T5P05S04mT4yu5BT5Tt58T5JT5O04ZT5bs59t5Z05c05Ss5Rt5fx5Lu5E04Mu5X02lp0Tu4h03l.35v1qv5tu1wu1.*21*5x*23*5y01r*5z*6005*062v5u11y022063u5v066v64u5w*61v6A00Cq00p00X2LX4gq0Zq6FT00o0Bw25o2Iq0810416Q*0716Qw0A0iB0 Its good to combine with my more space efficient, but multiple beam consuming, multiplicators
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 10, 2009 16:24:41 GMT -5
Post by Qwerty333 on Jan 10, 2009 19:37:23 GMT -5
Im really interested in gates and stuff id like to learn more Yea, I would really like to hear about it. I could get lots of votes. At least I won't be screaming for them like mattaroni.
Post by darkraine on Jan 10, 2009 21:45:37 GMT -5
YES! I finally made semi beam multiplication device :> (you give single beam in and you get multiple out - pure metal). I call it resonate tube 0032000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00004000v00u01u0B*0200Du0F00Cv0E10E00Ku0J*0Hv0Lu0G*0Bv0Q00N10M*0Pu0O*0Su0X00I10V*0Y10b00au0R00e00Uu0fv0T*0W10dv0j*0cu0iu0Zv0m00g*0ku0o10lu0pu0v10u10xu0tu0z00h00**0s010*0n01200r*13*11*17*16*1901501Bv0qv1Du0wu0.*1801Cu1F014v1E10y01Ku1J*1Hv1Lu1G*1Av1Q01N11M*1Pu1O*1Su1X01I11V*1Y11b01au1R01e01Uu1fv1T*1W11dv1j*1cu1iu1Zv1m01g*1ku1o11lu1pu1v11u11xu1tu1z01h01**1s020*1n00Cr00T00s0Bs25000t2910dr28x28t2Au0fr28s25s0Bt2E024T0Bx2Dt0Zr2H026T2It2NT2LT2Q12BT27T26029t2R000x2M12Us2V02X12U02ZT2Tu2FT2Vs2g02K02f02du2hs2ct2J*0Hr2CT2j*2qT2i02m02kx2au2n02P02v*2t02lt2p*0Br2GT2Wt31000r2r02.*32T2Ws2x02wT2s*3902Ps3D036T2S03803Hs2ot2Yx3B*2*s2Ot35r37t3QT3AT3Gr3Rt2Ys3Pt3MT3UT3T03Jr3V12es3X12ex3N*39s3L13fT3Z03F03bT3It3Ss3iu2h030t3WT34t3Y03ms3p03C03m03lt3S03r12b02zt3.x3g03H03zt3ut3o041t46t3ss3kx43r2Os4CT3nt4A03yx4Es3w*2*x4E04513j03v04814Nt3.s3eu3qx3Bu02T3Ts3wu4V02lx4U*33s2ut2Ju4Yx3cu0Bu4Vs2us4aT3Ix4j03ls4S00E*37x4js4iT2ju4eT4F10Mu4Ys4DT3t14v*4pT4s*4xs4X*4.02vu4wT4W053*52t4d*5004Pu4g*57t0Ju54s4ct5D*5C14zT55s4lx4f04oT4rs4*T4kT5Os4r056T5P05S04mT4yu5BT5Tt58T5JT5O04ZT5bs59t5Z05c05Ss5Rt5fx5Lu5E04Mu5X02lp0Tu4h03l.35v1qv5tu1wu1.*21*5x*23*5y01r*5z*6005*062v5u11y022063u5v066v64u5w*61v6A00Cq00p00X2LX4gq0Zq6FT00o0Bw25o2Iq0810416Q*0716Qw0A0iB0 Its good to combine with my more space efficient, but multiple beam consuming, multiplicators I wanna test my knowledge of laser technology . . . so I'm assuming it works like this: The beam of laser is put into the tube and slowed considerably, and because of the slowing, each pixel of laser becomes its own beam, the longer the tube is, the more the speed of each individual pixel variates, causing more extra beams from the varying laser speeds. . . . right?
Post by FoxtrotZero on Jan 11, 2009 1:27:10 GMT -5
It has to do with something he was experimenting with earlier. It runs on the fact that the lasers are crossing eachother the way they are. He did a thing where he had a bunch of paralell lasers intersect one perpendicular to them. The result was several lasers in a row where there was only one before. Some glitch in the way they work.
Now what we need is a device that will take the first current it has, and then alter itself to make the next current pass on. If we can't seperate the lasers into different streams, then its just one input one output. Don't get me wrong, thats great, but i think were headed for different goals here.
Post by miczu on Jan 11, 2009 5:26:14 GMT -5
It has nothing to do with slowing the beam.
Is only about beam crossing.
Here we see 1 beam to unlimited power source.
If someone ask me, multiplication is to big for power source (compared to clone) but its the best way of energy source output stabilization (its shown in code). Way better then multiple or gates :>
Post by darkraine on Jan 11, 2009 10:24:29 GMT -5
Oh I get it, because the beam crosses itself, each individual pixel becomes a beam, because for the single frame the two beams intersect, each the two pixels detach from the original beam, and become its own beam.
Post by miczu on Jan 11, 2009 12:12:46 GMT -5
No, no, no!
Because PG programmers have to make something to control the length of laser they did a script that removes laser dots when it has over predefined length (don't know how it work because laser length in tubes is different). So when laser cross itself, in a while the laser end will cross the center of a beam - but it will still remove laser dot, even if the length for the beam counted form beam front is to short to be removed - by removing dot in the center of beam we get a glitch that make it into 2 separate beam.
Post by FoxtrotZero on Jan 11, 2009 14:03:26 GMT -5
By PG Programmers you mean TheListo? And have you asked him about this?
you still see the problem. While it can triple the power of a laser output with only two of those boxes, you see the mistake and the potential. That turns one laser input into several consecutive laser ouputs. We need a way to turn that higher power into more less powerful outputs. I know what needs to be done, but i don't know how to go about it.
Post by darkraine on Jan 11, 2009 14:07:50 GMT -5
oh! That makes sense, so every time it crosses itself, it makes one extra pixel of laser?
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 11, 2009 14:08:09 GMT -5
has anyone thought of what could possibly happen with multi-liniar lasers? As in, not just vertical, horizontal, and diagonal?
Would it be useful in any way?
Post by miczu on Jan 11, 2009 14:28:44 GMT -5
My point is, that you can never forget, that the PG is a program. Every program has his own way of working and its possible to tell more or less how is done. Laser is like simple game "snake" if you would only make head moving it would get bigger with every step - so we with every step forward we remove the tail. Of course snake can't cross itself so its no problem for not checking for it.
We need also a way of making single dot in a beam - it would be hard for user to make every time perfect length beam. So a beam is count from start to it's end if all the dots are moving in the same way (1 dot can hold 4 laser dost with 4 different vectors). So when back of a beam removes laser from a dot it will make it like 2 beams (from start to end) and so we get a beam splitter.
PS. if every user that have an issue with the program, would write to the programmer it would be so pain in ass for him xD PS2. I never did anything in java