Post by miczu on Jan 2, 2009 7:21:57 GMT -5
Artanis this got also 3 bounces but is smaller :>
Post by artanis on Jan 2, 2009 13:00:41 GMT -5
Mine was bigger because it's difficult to place two beams exactly next to each other like how you have the generated beams. It's far simpler to get them next to each other with one pixel between, so I adjusted the structure to anticipate that.
Post by miczu on Jan 2, 2009 13:33:16 GMT -5
0030000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00004000v00u01u0B*0200Du0F00Cv0E10E00Ku0J*0Hv0Lu0G*0Bv0Q00N10M*0Pu0O*0Su0X00I10V*0Y10b00au0R00e00Uu0fv0T*0W10dv0j*0cu0iu0Zv0m00g*0ku0o10lu0pu0v10u10xu0tu0z00h00**0s010*0n01200r*13*11*17*16*1901501Bv0qv1Du0wu0.*1801Cu1F014v1E10y01Ku1J*1Hv1Lu1G*1Av1Q01N11M*1Pu1O*1Su1X01I11V*1Y11b01au1R01e01Uu1fv1T*1W11dv1j*1cu1iu1Zv1m01g*1ku1o11lu0Jq00x01y00o0Bu00w1vx1xo1zw1*100y1y00Ew22y24u1.10Mm1.T0D01wP0A000s00X00z00n00T01q21129w00P0By2HX00.2HT2J02510Mo2A01yT0Bo2I02Cq0Bq2F*2Q12Du28u0Bm2Av0Bx2Mq2ZX24o2Fx2bq2Ku2Zx2h000p2Fr0BX00r2H02F10Mu2d00Ax2op2Ft2rr2H12vw1*P2Do2F.2*u2m02Gw2Xy2Fw2ro2t13010M.2Ao2ZP32X2WX1wn2Ry2wq2Y01yX2Gn0B12Dy3Jx2oo2Fo3Gt2tp3Iw31q2iq2to3R02Fp3U10Mq3Kp2a02pX2E02F02p13Ow3V03ez2iv3913i13bx2oX2r.0B93G03et3au2nP2Dp2Fz2r00AX28q2Nw3jp3YX00t3Gp3903gX2rs3u02xP2DX2rw2ru3yX4213nu3vq0Bp41r2rq2*q3*13oP2Dq3Z03gr4H02Fv47q1w10Eo4Ku2n14T023w22u24y3P14Wy4aq00800S4dS4f84e84hS4gS4j84i84lS4kS4n84m84pS4oS4Rx2J84q84uS4r84v84xS4wS4n14E02x10A84y852S4z85385314*q4Sq54S59855S5AS4z157x4tS5C85B85HS5C15E151S5GS5M85I84y15Kq5NS5R85OS4r15Q85T85WS5SS4f15Ku4Zw4Yo4U050u5b13o14bw1pu5i11u15ku1tu5m01h05o*1s05p*1n05r01r*5s*5q*5w*5v*5y05u05.v1qv60u5ju5n*5x05*u6205tv6115l067u66*64v68u63*5zv6D06A169*6Cu6B*6Fu6K06516I*6L16O06Nu6E06R06Hu6Sv6G*6J16Qv6W*6Pu6Vu6Mv68*0710416f*6ew0A0bM1 happy?:>
Post by theultamate on Jan 2, 2009 13:51:00 GMT -5
wont let me see it
Post by General Veers on Jan 2, 2009 15:28:07 GMT -5
Did you remember to paste the code into Prendra and copy the space-ridden code before inserting it into PG? It works when I do that. In the forums, all codes are given extra spaces and indentations that should not be there in order to reduce space. Prendra, created by a fellow forum member, removes spaces from such altered codes.
Post by The Dark Master on Jan 3, 2009 7:07:26 GMT -5
Errrmmm.... May i point something out to all of you? Powder Game is just for fun to play around with, and you guys take it waaay to seriously. Im not trying to insult anyone, im just saying that all this is like a broken pencil. Pointless.
Post by I wuv M4( Satar Jaèoèdoæ) on Jan 3, 2009 12:54:26 GMT -5
Shut up. This is fun. Power is all about making stuff.
to M4:how is the eletrpnic guide going ?
Post by noodlesoup on Jan 3, 2009 13:39:44 GMT -5
13 gif's done(hardest longest part of all). 3 pics done. Few paragraphs done.
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 3, 2009 15:44:12 GMT -5
Errrmmm.... May i point something out to all of you? Powder Game is just for fun to play around with, and you guys take it waaay to seriously. Im not trying to insult anyone, im just saying that all this is like a broken pencil. Pointless. You really do sound like DarkRaine right now...
Post by miczu on Jan 3, 2009 16:06:12 GMT -5
I made new useful thing 0022000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00004000v00u01u0B*0200Du0F00Cv0E10E00Ku0J*0Hv0Lu0G*0Bv0Q00N10M*0Pu0O*0Su0X00I10V*0Y10b00au0R00e00Uu0fv0T*0W10dv0j*0cu0iu0Zv0m00g*0ku0o10lu0pu0v10u10xu0tu0z00h00**0s010*0n01200r*13*11*17*16*1901501Bv0qv1Du0wu0.*1801Cu1F014v1E10y01Ku1J*1Hv1Lu1G*1Av1Q01N11M*1Pu1O*1Su1X01I11V*1Y11b01au1R01e01Uu1fv1T*1W11dv1j*1cu1iu1Zv1m01g*1ku1o11lu1pu1v11u11xu1tu0Bw00w00T0Bz00z0Jw1*T21z0Jx24000y2210Mx27y29u0By27x2C028w20000x2Fz27w2Jw2Hw2F.27r00o20p0Bn2I10M.2Oo2Q000n2Su0Gw2Hp2PP2Vn2X002w2H.2Vs2Vw2bx0Jm2IT2DP2fT00p1.T0BT2Rx2ix2Hy00P2Vr2sT2m024p2p10Mn2jp2np2u00AT2vv2up2xu0Bq2z000t2HT0Bo2ZT2o02IF00X2Hn2ct35q2Vp2Ho2gT2vn2cn2IP2Ht2VT2vq37p0B.2co2jX0Bx00F3C00EF3CT3Qx0Jo2j02jy0ST2vo2cp22T3dx0Ox2Vm2WP2Vo2c*35n2WT3g12Tx3202Wn3702Px3hT3Jn3kx3u02Hr2MP3w10Vx2tT3Vx3UX3Hx0Jp3aw3qr2Hx3.u0Bp3S03BX2Hs2810Mp3ax2fy1Jm28T2vr4Du0Bm4Ip49n2V*1*13*P3Gn4Ow2iy3kn3q*4Pu4Ly3sp3np2Y10Mm4M02mn3s*4W00Ax3zT2vp4Z02d10Mq4Ax42T0Bt4hp4au34x47T2vt20X3TF3X04ku1.y4u02w04x01h050*1s051*1n05301r*54*52*58*57*5A05605Cv1qv5Eu1wu1z055v5F11y05Iu5G05L15K*5905Du5M*5Pv5Ju5H*5Su5R*5Bv5T05Nu5U*5Xu5W05Q15Kt2WL38L5g02PL5ho00L5jL5lp49L4iL5oq5gq5hL2P05i05ko5h*0Hy2P14bn5k00AL2Iq5ro6005tL5so5zL4L*5zq6402mL0BL5n05zp67s5k10VL1*s69p6905kp49w67p6KL6Hp6L06BL6ML6P05zo6Ip0Jv64w3606I064p2Ds5k*2W05kr69q5g.5sL2Pp0Jt5kw0ML2vL6G036p6WL00m00r69n00s0Jr6hu69z6kL6kx6m06wL6j06xp6HL00.6er6Gu6rL1*z69r7406b076L6nv3ZL04L36u79*02L7B16i*7Du0TL7Au7H*7Gu7C*5kt0QL69*7Dt7N*7Dv7Q*5kv7SL0eL7Av7Uv7Xu0FL7Wu7Z*7Ru7b*7Tu7dL7V*7c10EL7a17i*7hu6Z*7e17k*7nu7mL7g*7pL7ju7qv7Y17oL7rL0a*0710417.*7zw0A0nM6 Week point: - single beam not always activate it - single use Good point: - always work same after activation - multiple laser output It will gonna be useful in laser source - clone+laser - like numpad to change it into single electronic signals.
Post by theultamate on Jan 3, 2009 16:15:53 GMT -5
nice :3
Post by miczu on Jan 3, 2009 16:32:18 GMT -5
0022000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00004000v00u01u0B*0200Du0F00Cv0E10E00Ku0J*0Hv0Lu0G*0Bv0Q00N10M*0Pu0O*0Su0X00I10V*0Y10b00au0R00e00Uu0fv0T*0W10dv0j*0cu0iu0Zv0m00g*0ku0o10lu0pu0v10u10xu0tu0z00h00**0s010*0n01200r*13*11*17*16*1901501Bv0qv1Du0wu0.*1801Cu1F014v1E10y01Ku1J*1Hv1Lu1G*1Av1Q01N11M*1Pu1O*1Su1X01I11V*1Y11b01au1R01e01Uu1fv1T*1W11dv1j*1cu1iu1Zv1m01g*1ku1o11lu1pu1v11u11xu1tu0Bw00w00T0Bz00z0Jw1*T21z0Jx24000y2210Mx27y29u0By27x2C028w20000x2Fz27w2Jw2Hw2F.27v2Nw2Hv2F*27u2Rw2H.20p0BT00p2Wp2Y02V02aT2X02bp2ZT2cT2fp2ep2h02d02ax00t0Jm2IT21T2g02jT2pT2rp2iT2s02qp2tp0Bx2l10Mm2n022T2uT30p2w02v033T3102It0Jn2np1.T35T3Ap32T3B033x2yu0Bq3802lT2W02HT3JT3L03K03NT3MT3P03O03RT3QT3T03S03Nx3F02lx2aq34p3Cp3b03a03dx3Xn2IP2Ht2b03VT3UT3k03j03mT3lT3o02Hp3ht0Jo2nX21r2Hs3Xo2.x20F00X3KF3zT2WF3*03yX3.X43T40X44042T45T4804704AT00F41T4CX46T4ET49T4G04Ax3X.2nm00r1.t1J.3HT3DT4Qp3cT35x4Kx3dT4R04Vp4Sp2xt0J.4Pp4Y04X04dT2ux4UT4WT4hp4cT2px4g03n04mT3pT4o04n03mx4gp4jp4t04ep2Zx3Xy2.T4pT4z04qT4.T3px3Xx2.r4MT0Bs4gF4DF57X4FF58T4HF5A04BF5CT4IT5FF5EF5HX46p3r10M.4Lr4N11M.4b04v05QT4Wx4s05Rp4uT5St4ax5U05YT5W15Lx5Zp5Vp4cx4lT5004*05hT5gT3Mx5TT4i05c03et5XT5j05i05rT5qT0St26x3qr2Hu4xx59X5zT5BX5.05DX60T5GX62F5IT49x4gm4M01*t4Ox5nT5mT3Dx5lp5d06Bp2ix6E06G06Jx6IT6Cp6FT4ft5p05s06QT5t04qx6Lp6Np6V02kt6PT6ST6Z06R03Rx3X*0Hm00n5xt5pF65061T5*T6k06j06mT63T6lT6o04B00Dt5pm68w6d*1n01h06x*1s06y*6w*6z*70*6**7201r*73v1qv76u1wu1z06.07407Bv7711y07Av7Du79*7107Cu7807Fu7K*7Iv7G07L17E*7Nu7M*6wt6fL0Bo00L7VL7X000o7W07ZL7Yo7ao7dL2cp7Wp0Bp7g02XL0A07bq7YL7Z07b07Wo7Y*0Hy7Z12zn7aq7Wx7ko7aL7no7xo7mo7m000m02L3GL0BL7hL8307j07ap7x000s7W10VL1*s83p85L7fw88p8GL85p8H087L8IL8L07ep2X10Mv7xw2l07iL8D028s7W*6f07Wr83q7X.7nL7Zp0Jt7Ww0ML2cL8Tt7jp83m68L6fs0Jr8du83z8TL8Tx8S08qL8f08rp8E.8ar8Du8lL1*z83r8z08X08*L80v3sL04L2lu92*81t0TL93u97*81u99*7Wu0To8V*7Wt0QL83*96u0FL93v9G*81v9L*7Wv9NL0eL9Ku9J*9Mu9S*9Ou9UL9Q*9T10EL9R19Z*9Yu9EL9X*9V19b*9fu9dv9Pv9ju9Wv9k19gL9eL9ov0L*0710419s*9rw0A0eJ3 this one has over 98% hit activation rate with one beam. (compressed for hit ratio test :F)
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 3, 2009 17:32:08 GMT -5
Sucks that I cant see this
Post by FoxtrotZero on Jan 6, 2009 0:26:25 GMT -5
I don't get the purpose of the virus at the bottom. All i understand is you have a large device whos internal functionality i have not yet picked apart. What it seems to do is turn one laser input into multiple outputs. How small can you make that per output? I can't see need for more that 7 outputs.
Credit to Miczu for inspiring this. Its a little large, compared to alot of tiny things we have. It could likely be stripped down a little more. Basically, it takes in one laser input (from the battery to the right) and turns it into 4 outputs. Up right, up left, down right, and the input goes through (reuseable). It can be activated from the right or the left, but must operate on a vertical basis because it works by fireworks. Because of this it is one time use only.
It gives out two or three more lasers than this. But they are either doubled up next to eachother or not reliable, these four seem to appear 100-99% of the time. I set it up to go as soon as you press start.
Post by miczu on Jan 6, 2009 5:14:36 GMT -5
LOL that 'big' one was in fact 80 small ones (i need to know if it's foolproof) Here you got one gate. Now you can get from 1 laser up to 5 new lasers EDIT: 0022000000100*02102*01*03*06*05*01w00q00004000v00u01u0B*0200Du0F00Cv0E10E00Ku0J*0Hv0Lu0G*0Bv0Q00N10M*0Pu0O*0Su0X00I10V*0Y10b00au0R00e00Uu0fv0T*0W10dv0j*0cu0iu0Zv0m00g*0ku0o10lu0pu0v10u10xu0tu0z00h00**0s010*0n01200r*13*11*17*16*1901501Bv0qv1Du0wu0.*1801Cu1F014v1E10y01Ku1J*1Hv1Lu1G*1Av1Q01N11M*1Pu1O*1Su1X01I11V*1Y11b01au1R01e01Uu1fv1T*1W11dv1j*1cu1iu1Zv1m01g*1ku1o11lu1pu1v11u11xu1tu1z01h01**1s00*w00x00T0Bz00y0Jv23T0Bs24000t2610M.28p0Bt2Cu0B.2E02By27x00P0Bq24p2Fy2KT2MT00p2O10Mw2802RT0BT0Bo2Aq2G023x2Ao2N024o2My0Jo2Uv2cT2Su2Xx24X0By2At2Zo2Ux24F00X2my0Ox2Au2Z*21*2v*1n020*2x*2w01r*2z*3002*032v1qv34u1wu1.*2.v3511y02y033u3603Bv39u37*31v3F03Eu3D*38u3K*3Hu3M03C13A*3L13Q*3N13S03Pu3G03V03J13Uv3I*3Ru3Wv3a*13x0AL00o0fy2R10Mt00n00L2XL3m03gL3no3l03o03ro3qo3lp0Bp3u02RL2R03xq3mq3nL3g03rL40o3q*0Hy3g10Mm3kL2ML23q3*o4A041o3*000m02L4803qp3qL3vL0BL4J03qs3l10VL00w00s4Kp4K03wr4PL4LL4V03x04HL4Sp4I04XL4Wp3lo3iu0SL4Kw2B03wL4R026s4ir4Kr3k03lr4Kq3mn4Q13jL0Eu4SL3yL4jt3xp4Kv4m04o04.L00r4Km0D10Mr3lu0D04i03wx56L4v058p4up4uu23153L04L0Au2fL5Ft0To3l*4Ft5JL5Iu5H*5Lu0JL5Fu0TL5Ru0FL5Fv0QL5Vu5U*4Fv5W*5Zu5Y*3lv5a*5du5cL0eL5X10EL5iu5K*5f15j*5b15n*5mu5lL5h*5ou5rv5eL5s*5qL5kL5y*5tL5z*5x*5o*07104163*62w0A0dN7 this one with laser splitting tech XD PS. next to each other beams are easy to make apart, don't know why you don't like them
Post by theultamate on Jan 6, 2009 8:09:17 GMT -5
ma brain cant handle these logic gate things
Post by miczu on Jan 6, 2009 10:55:04 GMT -5
Then plzz don't post here theultamate =_='
Post by Sandmaster on Jan 6, 2009 17:42:16 GMT -5
ma brain cant handle these logic gate things That really explains a lot, theultimate.
Post by darkraine on Jan 7, 2009 20:14:29 GMT -5
just wondering, have you guys figured out a way to use thunder charged metal to make gates? The japanese discovered it a while ago, its a system where if you hit laser against a thunder-charged mirror, it can travel into one of two different paths, becaues the thunder changes the shape of the mirror, depending on where its located, so one input can be split into two different paths at the same time.
Post by FoxtrotZero on Jan 7, 2009 22:22:54 GMT -5
Thats been done along time ago.
I know that dual lines of laser can be easily split apart, but i didn't want to bother with it. If you want or need the second, you can easily modify it. Theres sometime a horazontal laser, but it won't appear all the time, so it has no path.
With only one or two of these, depending on the required no. of outputs, you can turn one signal into the necesarry signals to trigger a Laser Display. Though a custom fit laser duplicator that runs on Clone is much easier to use. It all depends on work best. Reliability is number one, because in this field we cant afford to be using technology that isn't reliable. Size is secondmost important. Because when things are smaller you can fit more technology in one place.