Post by cuckooman on Jul 29, 2008 18:01:21 GMT -5
PG codes are one long string, like aaaaaaaaaa instead of aaaaa aaaaa. When you post a code, the forum adds extra spaces so it doesn't stretch the screen. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa turns into aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa But PG won't take the code with the extra spaces, so you have to remove them. (you can also just copy and paste into notepad or your OS equivalent and use the replace tool to replace " " with "".
Post by FoxtrotZero on Jul 31, 2008 10:31:59 GMT -5
well yes, you are correct. However there is an easier way to do this. There is a device known as the pendra space remover and can be found at the link below. Place your PG Code in the top box labeled "Input". under the second box is an unmarked button. Press it, and take the code from the second box previously labeled "Output". It should be one long string. If it is not, that is okay. There are no spaces, only bage breaks (like pressing enter, or return on some older keyboards). Then place your code in PG and you are set. The link to the Pendra Space Remover is: prendra.googlepages.com/spaceremover
Post by noodlesoup on Jul 31, 2008 11:59:28 GMT -5
he gave a link to prenda when he said remove them
Post by cuckooman on Aug 1, 2008 1:09:07 GMT -5
You know, I made that. I should've mentioned that.
Post by noodlesoup on Aug 1, 2008 2:26:15 GMT -5
made what?
Post by ROBiT on Aug 1, 2008 2:30:00 GMT -5
Do you mean you made the space remover??
Post by cuckooman on Aug 1, 2008 11:31:04 GMT -5
Post by noodlesoup on Aug 1, 2008 19:02:13 GMT -5
OMG Thank you!
Post by ShiningSilver on Aug 1, 2008 19:05:52 GMT -5
No you didn't...? > I remeber someone saying he'll make it or something... SOMEONE FIND ME THAT QUOTE
Post by cuckooman on Aug 1, 2008 20:27:38 GMT -5
The thread it's in is the old codes thread. It got deleted or something because of the upload thread.
Post by noodlesoup on Aug 1, 2008 22:30:59 GMT -5
hey! prenda has your name on it! did you do that just now?
Post by cuckooman on Aug 1, 2008 23:21:30 GMT -5
Yeah. In case you're wondering, prendra comes from my name. P for my first letter of my first name, Rendra from the first six letters of my last name.
Maybe it would be better to make a tool that automatically inserts a line break every few characters, because PG ignores line breaks. That would make it easier for people to load codes. (not so much to post them, but meh)
Post by Exthara on Aug 2, 2008 9:19:04 GMT -5
See the cuckooman4 copyright at the bottom?
Post by FoxtrotZero on Aug 2, 2008 9:21:49 GMT -5
The forums needs coding that will only allow text to become so wise so as to not expand the bar, then codes could be implemented easier. The problem is, it just Can't break up one word.
I got it! tags allow you to post a code in between. It will have a function that inserts a Mandatory line break every set number of characters, allowing for no expansion. It would also be put in a neat little box.
Post by cuckooman on Aug 2, 2008 16:54:42 GMT -5
Serious? That works?
Doesn't seem to work for me.
Post by The One on Aug 3, 2008 17:50:20 GMT -5
I dont like copying image codes.
Post by noodlesoup on Aug 3, 2008 18:24:20 GMT -5
those are powder game codes
Post by The One on Aug 3, 2008 18:24:57 GMT -5
I know
Post by cuckooman on Aug 10, 2008 14:59:21 GMT -5
So what are you saying?
Post by ~Memzak~ on Aug 11, 2008 13:36:38 GMT -5
yea what are you saying?