Post by jakebob on Sept 18, 2008 9:37:39 GMT -5
dude... heheh.. LEARN TO CROP!
Post by Sandmaster on Sept 18, 2008 18:05:37 GMT -5
Geez, Nobody remembered that I told everyone about thunderr lines, I just set up the wrong configuration
Post by FlamingAero on Sept 18, 2008 19:41:02 GMT -5
sorry dang at least i found the spot and i have the code for where it is
Post by noodlesoup on Sept 18, 2008 23:27:50 GMT -5
It's in several places
Post by FlamingAero on Sept 19, 2008 14:27:46 GMT -5
well at least i found A spot happy now? ima try to work with it in a upload
Post by craze on Sept 19, 2008 19:15:07 GMT -5
Post by Sandmaster on Sept 20, 2008 8:38:13 GMT -5
I'm gonna try and find as many as I can, maybe make a 'thunder line trail, just a loop that goes through ONLY thunder lines.
Post by General Veers on Sept 20, 2008 9:38:53 GMT -5
Here are some uploads (which are NOT mine) that have found straight thunder and one upload in which I accidently found straight thunder: I'm sorry if which pixel starts the thunder trail isn't exactly clear for each one, but there should be a general idea.
Post by Sandmaster on Sept 21, 2008 7:31:18 GMT -5
Okay, we need to set this up...we need to set up a system with the GRID
bottom left (of screen, not block) is 0,0. We need to get as much of this stuff as we can, and we will find the pattern!
Post by FlamingAero on Sept 21, 2008 19:26:09 GMT -5
0042000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*03o00w00T00p09m00v0E00Am0HT09*0700B*0L*01o0Kp09.00u0I*03m0K00N00W*0M*0Y*0O00X*0a*0Z00b00e*0d*0g*0c*0i00f*0j*03.0DT00q0Gv0T*01m0V*0Uv0q000m0s*09y00z0Ep0Ru0um0w00k011*0h012*0l*15014017*13*19*16*1A000s00r0Eq09z0ST0pT1B*1J018*1K*1C*1N*1M*1P01L01R*1O01S*1Q*1T*1Tm1DT0F00Jv0*v0u*1W*1V*1Qx1Yq1I01aT1h*1d01U01l*1k*1n*1e01m*0Lx1F01i01t*1o01q01w*1v*0dn0oT0o01u*0rv1bT0j.1Hr1j*21T2501x*1p*1y*29*2B011.0nq27m10m10*2A02800ex02T1**0tT2Fv1c*2C*2I*2R*0PxhI1 heres all the thunder spots i ould find add more if you find them just put thunder where the metal lines connect or close it it
Post by General Veers on Sept 21, 2008 19:44:59 GMT -5
Wow...job well done, Aero! I never knew that lines with slopes of -1 existed.
Post by FlamingAero on Sept 21, 2008 21:16:35 GMT -5
and since i posted it i found 2 more and im posotive there more
0042000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400A*03o00w00T00p09m00v0E00Am0HT09*0700B*0L*01o0Kp09.00u0I*03m0K00N00W*0M*0Y*0O00X*0a*0Z00b00e*0d*0g*0c*0i00f*0j*03.0DT00q0Gv0T*01m0V*0Uv0q000m0s*09y00z0Ep0Ru0um0w00k011*0h012*0l*15014017*13*19*16*1A000s00r0Eq09z0ST0pT1B*1J018*1K*1C*1N*1M*1P01L01R*1O01S*1Km1DT1E00Jv0*v1ZT1I01Rq00x0z01YT1b*1T*1h*1Q*0Mx1Wq1g*0rv1a01U01p*1i01q*1j*1t01s00Bx1F01f01y*1r*1.*1u*1*00Wo0yT0o01yu23q01p1dT01x2301z*1nT0j.1Hr1m00vv1o*21*2I*20*2K01v*1C.0nq2Fm10m10*2J01Dx1e*0tT2Pv0u*1Tz1Hq2WT2F*2S*2c*2L*0CxbH4scratch that ive surrounded the area where you can make a line of thunder in metal boxes any where in the metal boxs any area IN the metal boxes not where the metal is can produce a line of thunder 0042000000000*02002*01*03*06*05*0800400Am00n00T00s09x00u0D000q0H*03x0GT01q0J*01x0Ls09*0700A*0R*06u0Dr09y0L000p0N000y0Xp0Zy0Lr0Q*0e00S*0f*0T*0h*0j00g00l*0i00m*0k*0n*0q*0p*01s02T0E00Ax0Xq0Zx0xT0Fu0Hq0yu0*T0.T0v*0r00as0Dq09z0Xo0Zz18T17u0Ho19u1CT1BT01o1DT0I00o01J*14*1L*0s01K*1N*1M01O01R*1Q*14x00v0Ds1200IT1Xq10T0MT12s1P*1d01S*1e*1T*1g*1i01f01k*1h01l*1js0Lu09v0Xs0Zv1rT1qu0Hs1su1vT1uT0G01ln1W00wu11020T1b02201Y024q1as1j*1m*14o00x1**0Ku21*2DT23*2F025*2Hq1a02I*0Ou2C*28*2O01n02Q*29*2P*2S01Jz00o0Dt09w0Xr0Zw2ZT2Yu2X02R*2T*2f01kv0us1ZT01.00w1*s00z21.2lT23s2nT23.2p025s2r025.2ps0tz2N01Sn2zx0z026T2j031022s2g*2U*36*35*3800E*2d*03w2b00Aw3D*3Cu0Hr2au3B*1Nx2i033*2JT32*3N03401Rw0ET1I*03z1A00Az3V*3Uu1E03Wu3Z*3YT3T*39*3702e02Qq0I0cH5
Post by Sandmaster on Sept 25, 2008 17:16:37 GMT -5
Post by TBP on Mar 11, 2009 16:39:10 GMT -5
o.o What was that?
Post by jakebob on Mar 11, 2009 16:41:18 GMT -5
Spam bot. They've been hitting here recently. Either ignore or report it.
Post by Qwerty on Mar 11, 2009 17:26:14 GMT -5
*machine-guns it down*
*pours Coca-Cola on bloodstain*
*bloodstain vanishes*
All done here...
Superior Being
{S=21}Rubik Ninja[M:-240]
Da Rubiks Cube
Posts: 395
Post by rubiksmaster123 on Mar 12, 2009 19:11:21 GMT -5
I don't know any glitches but these are cool glitches
Post by qeew on Mar 12, 2009 22:50:06 GMT -5
May this bot (qeew/egwer/werwer/WTER) suffer for all eternity by AT-AT heavy blasters!
-General Veers -Natasha Bedingfield
Post by doomish on Mar 13, 2009 8:05:52 GMT -5
Wow, that's some pretty cool spam there because I think spam is
So, back to glitches. Straight thunder is pretty cool, I mean, it's a glitch, sure, but it can be useful for designs and other interesting uploads.
Post by TBP on Mar 13, 2009 13:41:19 GMT -5
ugh spam bots are annoying >.>
Yeh, there are some pretty cool glitches here =P